
Originally from Speyside, Andrew S. Loveland currently lives in Dublin and blogs on the morally ambiguous and spiritually bereft, of which the city can boast several. Straddling sruth na Maoile, Andrew writes primarily about politics both here in Ireland and in his beloved homeland. His first novel, entitled ‘The Sound of Abundance of Rain’ is available to purchase in the Kindle Store now.

When not contributing to his blog, Andrew can be found either shouting at the sea or apologising to her, depending on his humour.


commenting guidelines…

Words left on this blog, are not written with a large stick in the sand. They will remain. No tide will spare your blushes. While raw banter, swearing, skillfully composed rebuttals and witty character assassinations are actively encouraged, anything defamatory, criminal in intent or remotely racist, homophobic or bigoted will result in your ip address being studied by an angry elf in An Garda Síochána.

  1. Any person who inserts Lewis Carroll into his/her About is worthy of a follow!

  2. misscaramichele said:

    I must tell you how much I love the name of your blog! I read aloud the poem, because it’s not the same otherwise, and smiled widely all through. Thanks for visiting my corner of the internet today, and for giving me a smile to start my day.

    • Many thanks for stopping by. Jabberwocky should only ever be read at the top of one’s voice. Or better still, the top of Brian Blessed’s voice!

  3. Your blog name certainly drew my attention. Anybody you’re told to beware of is somebody you have to check out, right? My favorite poem to recite aloud . . . .

    • Remains my favourite poem in the English language. Thanks for checking out the blog. Hope you found something of interest.

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog, and for writing your too. I love that you are in Ireland. I’ve been there, but not where most people expect.

  5. Well, your About page is just fabulous – so glad you chanced upon my corner of the blogosphere.

    Let the character assassinations begin! (Starting with that angry elf…)

  6. Hi Andrew, thanks for introducing yourself by following our site. Yours is witty, thoughtful and provocative, and we look forward to exploring it further! We invite you to also visit the RAXA Collective page. See you there!

  7. TBM said:

    Mightily impressed when you quoted Carroll. That may be the first time I’ve encountered that on an about page. Well done.

  8. Thanks for the follow over on my blog. I can see I have a lot of interesting reading to do here. Just reading Carroll’s words in the poem, oh such delicious words, that you’ve included here is enough to make me come galumphing back for more.
    Hasta entonces!

  9. Thank you for the visit and the follow – you have my heart in citing Carroll!

  10. What joy, dear Bandersnatch, to have you callumtate my site and to find such wondrous manderbeams here! My heart sings with frabjous plasay!

  11. Welcome! Thank you for subscribing to follow my blog. I hope you are encouraged, inspired and enjoy the photos I take of life’s events as seen through the lens of my camera.

  12. thanks for following my blog. interesting site you have here.

  13. Johnny Ojanpera said:

    Thank you for following. I see we are of similar (dis)belief. Very nice blog.

  14. Thank you beamish boy for reminding me of this glorious English prose… and for visiting my blog so that I’ve discovered yours !

  15. Lovely to have you follow my blog. I hope you will visit again soon and often!

  16. Hi there and thanks for dropping by and liking my blog enough to follow!! 🙂 Be well and happy and give the sea my love , I miss her!! xx

  17. Hi- Thank you for following my photography blog- I hope you’re inspired. Looking forward to reading more on your site. Terrific!

  18. I’m jealous of your blog name. Why did *I* never think of that?! Alas–although I guess I’m glad someone did. Anyway, thanks for following the Jenn stories, Mr Bandersnatch.

  19. Thanks for the follow. I just had to visit. There just aren’t enough Jabberwocky references in the blogosphere! A frabjous day to you!

  20. My ancestry includes the names of Ross and Hanlan on the isle, and Grant and Elliott in Scotland. Thank you for visiting my website and choosing to follow. It’s always an honor, but moreso when someone poised for impact (as you are) does.

  21. Best Named Blog Ever! Thank you for following (hope to have a word from you!) and thank you for introducing me to your provocative writing. I look forward to more!

  22. Hello There!
    I look forward to following and really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministries. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian

  23. Hi Andrew, I’ve been travelling around your blog, leaving me with much to think about, and more to read. Thanks for following our blog. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey, both inner and outer. Cheers, Alison

  24. Hi there Andrew,
    Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the blogosphere and for the follow. Your support is much appreciated, 🙂


  25. Eva said:

    Thank you for stopping by, Andrew. Of curiosity, what led you to the site. Many thanks.

  26. Debbie said:

    “When Love and Religion collide.” Love it!! Thank you for honoring Shadows with your following.

  27. Thank you for joining my reader family of
    I’m happy to welcome you. Please tell us a little about yourself and your blog on my Friends page. I haven’t posted in a while, but I plan on starting again in June. Welcome!

  28. Thanks for following my blog, Andrew. I look forward to reading your posts.

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